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Why is it so crucial to remain calm, relax, and enjoy each trimester?

Updated: Apr 28

TinyWhys welcomes one of our community members (Khushi) who has come forward and shared her experience. Now let's examine the trimester trips through firsthand experience.

Let's get the conversation started.

Please share your first-trimester experience with us, emphasizing the important details.

Firstly, thank you to the TinyWhys for letting me share my experience on this platform. I am hoping it's going to help others who are on this journey.

Well, during my first trimester, primarily I focused on taking measures, undergoing doctor-recommended scans, and understanding pregnancy symptoms.

Why is precaution crucial? We need to exercise caution when engaging in any activity, particularly physical activities. I gathered from my parents and doctor's advice that being cautious in the early stages of pregnancy is important. This is a critical time for the development of the fetus's primary organs and bodily systems, therefore you must do as they advise and proceed without hesitationThis has largely assisted me in seeing the anticipated outcome of each scan.

People claim that there are symptoms that manifest as food preferences and dislikes. What impact did that have on you?

Yes, this is accurate. Fortunately, though, I didn't notice many changes in me. The only thing that has changed in this period is that I used to like rice dishes much less, but now I like them more. The likelihood of my blood sugar level rising since I began to like rice more was very high, and finally, my blood taste report did show that.

Since you have mentioned that your Sugar report has risen, how did you accomplish control of this?

I was left with no choice but to take precautions. Using medication is helpful in certain situations. In any case, food and medicine complement one another when boundaries are respected. All things considered, I had to convince my mind to stop eating additional rice products and to take the food items that the doctor recommended in addition to the medication, if any; in my situation, that was the case.

Additionally, Thyroid is mentioned a lot in the pregnancy journey. How did your case turn out?

In my case, my thyroid was too high. This is when my fear set in. Numerous acquaintances have informed me that if the thyroid is not within a certain range when pregnant, complications may arise. That in and of itself was enough to make me feel afraid, along with the obvious disparities between those before and after the pregnancy. Thus, our only choice was to seek medical advice. The doctor's response was brief and to the point: "Don't worry." All of these occurrences are typical and result from the sharp shift in hormones. The doctor prescribed certain medications, and after that, things started to get better.

Based on my personal experience, I would advise anyone who sees something unexpected to be calm and not jump to conclusions based solely on what others say. Instead, exercise patience and seek medical counsel. to dispel the misconception that you shouldn't use medication. This still applies to many things, to a certain extent. Simultaneously, apply pragmatism to the situation and implement the recommended course of action rather than comparing things, as this will only exacerbate the issue. When your doctor recommends taking medication, it's acceptable to do so.

How would you sum up your experience during the first trimester?

In summary, I would say that it all comes down to accepting the journey, getting enough sleep, and being aware of what you do. Always make sure you follow the doctor's advice without deviating from it. Go with the flow. Among the most important things to remember were to not lift large weights, to prevent jerks (apply as little pressure as possible on the abdomen), and to accept that mood swings are natural and to express them. Eating preferences are natural, so follow your doctor's advice and try not to overthink it.

I appreciate you sharing the story. Although these seem regular, I'm confident that only others who are similar to you can truly relate to the issues.

How was the trip during the second trimester? Was it the same as the first or was there some downtime?

In my case, though, this stage was quite typical. It was just one of those days. My doctor's advice to "eat as much as you can" made me quite happy, since it was indicated; maybe because I am a foodie. Hospital visits decreased during this phase as a result of the longer scan after that. I had to see a doctor rather frequently (usually twice a week, sometimes even within a week) during my first trimester. Every appointment after the normal growth scan involved a request for a blood test report. This is to make sure that everything is in order. By God's grace, everything was under control throughout this phase overall—aside from the Sugar report. I was aware of the cause; perhaps you were as well 😉. Since I was permitted to eat, I ate more rice and sweets than I should have. Consequently, during the halfway point of my second trimester, my Sugar report was elevated. I took the required measures and medication, as I had stated, and things returned to normal.

Mood swings: what about them? Mood swings are common, but how did you personally experience them?

Yes, this is accurate. Before being pregnant, I used to have mood swings in any case. However, I want to express my gratitude to my partner for excluding me in these situations. When I mentioned something that wasn't typical, he was rather quiet and didn't react as much to my comments. In any case, he had made sure that positive synergy was preserved 🙂.

Even if it seems like there wasn't much, what important points would you like others to be aware of?

Based on my personal experience, I thought this stage was simpler than the first trimester. Simply consume the recommended foods and unwind, carrying over the first trimester's experience. If you enjoy traveling, please use caution when doing so. I was able to do so, and I relished the little excursion at the moment.

Many thanks for this, Khushi. This will undoubtedly assist many more aspiring parents.

Give an overview of your experiences in the third and final trimesters. It must be both anxious and exhilarating at the same time.

Indeed, said. It was both thrilling and tense.

Would you like to emphasize your nervousness?

I was occasionally tempted to think adversely because we had heard a lot of unfavorable things and seen a lot of unexpected occurrences around us, some of which have happened within my family. As a result, I would strongly advise everyone to kindly refrain from thinking too much. Try to stay in the now and avoid talking about or thinking about anything bad. AVOID CONTAMINATION WITH NEGATIVITY!

Have you seen any other changes in yourself?

Yes, indeed. I would say that there were a lot of things going on inside of me that at one point were intolerable. Alright, let me address each of these. I think it's important to bring issues up.

Hear-burn: I frequently experience heartburn issues. Ajwain (Carom seed) water was quite helpful to me in this case. If others are victims of the same, they should consult the doctor before consuming anything.

Foot swelling: Although it wasn't quite as much, my legs swelled almost as much as a baby elephant.

Nights of insomnia: There were moments when I was having a terrible time falling asleep. I used to wake up at midnight and wander around the room.

The gastric issue: It began to arise in the second trimester of pregnancy. It was taking place as a result of the amount of medication used. However, I did see this, and at times the pain was too great to handle.

The most frequent and difficult alterations were the ones that were already discussed. Aside from the aforementioned, caring for your baby while adjusting your sleeping position was the most difficult. I was required to sleep in the designated (left or right side) position from the end of the second trimester until the end of the third. Given the lack of physical activity and minimal bodily mobility, I assume they were the main causes of the aforementioned issues.

Hates-off to my doctor. At every stage, she was quite supportive. She was always available when I needed her. As per my experience, my advice to everyone will be get the contact number of your consultant for worst case. Keep your communication transparent.

How did you accomplish everything?

To be honest, the child I was carrying was probably my greatest savior. When I used to have these issues, my baby would always come to mind. I used to tell myself that I had to take care of her and myself no matter what.

And why did it feel so thrilling?

By now, after hearing about the experience thus far, you may have guessed why it was thrilling. I suppose I neglected to describe the sensation of hearing our first heartbeat during the first trimester. "Khushi ke aansu" is what we received! It was thrilling to carry the first heartbeat sound memory and see the baby grow. I used to get compliments from my spouse on how well I was taking care of the baby and myself. To be very honest, we both had a great time traveling. Those who have declared, "We are pregnant" remain truthful. If I may say so, I became dreamy. I started picturing all the things I might want in the postpartum world. I'll let others decide whether or not to consider all of these things, although I had a lot of plans.

All in all, are there any other experiences you would like to share?

Yes, I think I've covered the majority of them, but I'd want to draw attention to one additional experience I had that made us all a little uncomfortable. It has to do with having really bad headaches and a high fever. It was in the second trimester if my memory serves me well. We were unsure of what to do. We didn't know who to approach because we didn't want to wake anyone up at 2 or 3 in the morning. We were afraid to take any antibiotic medications at the same time. We are so forced to wait till that evening. We scheduled an early appointment to speak with the doctor the next day. Following the examination, we discovered that I had contracted Dengue. My doctor gave me the right advice and medication, and I recovered within the following two days. Don't wait until the last minute, the doctor has advised. Please give me a call as soon as something similar occurs. She did point out that you ought to have cited your report and that I had written the required medication.

In general, the most important lesson to learn from this case is to not second-guess yourself and to see a consultant physician if you have any questions. Don't put off fixing anything until the last minute. Since issues are really sensitive, I'm thinking that whoever we consult will always be reachable.

In summary, based on my personal experience, I would advise any aspiring mother to prioritize self-care above everything else. Communicate with your close pals and seek medical advice. Make sure everything is well with you. There will be highs and lows; be optimistic about it. Please keep in mind that you are not traveling alone. Numerous have been experienced and numerous more are en route. Remain inspired and upbeat while avoiding negative people. There will undoubtedly be wonderful times even amid the tough times; just be aware of the circumstances. Keep smiling, remember your baby, and enjoy the ride!

I hope that many more aspiring parents may find some benefit from the experience I have described above.

I appreciate you sharing your experience, Khushi. The TinyWhys team is sure that a lot of other prospective parents would benefit from such an experience. Many thanks!

With that, we kindly ask that you contact us by letter if you require any assistance or discussion at any time. We aim to disseminate the required instructions.

Cheers to becoming a parent! Many thanks from the Team TinyWhys ❤️

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